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Award winning innovation

Our intellectual property and client services go hand-in-hand because we have a discipline of ruminating on our fieldwork innovations, articulating concisely and going through the rigour of getting new best practices disseminated in peer reviewed professional and academic journals. 


Our investment in IP over three decades has resulted in prizes from Middlesex University in London and the US Institute of Internal Auditors, including the prestigious John B Thurston award.  

In this way clients receive service at the cutting edge of practice.  

Here is a selection of our published papers which have been uploaded to Researchgate.  When Researchgate opens in a new window, scroll down and click the blue button "View full text" for a free copy of the article.  Then contact us to bring this kind of creative problem-solving to your organization.  

C Kelly, J Hao (2024).  'A better mousetrap: How the NIST cybersecurity framework can help chase down cyber risk', Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 81(10): 68-72.

C Kelly (2023). 'Detecting supplier payment errors and fraud using a data warehouse', EDPACS (Taylor and Francis), 67(3): 1-20.

C Kelly (2022).  'Avoiding cyber hell', Institute of Internal Auditors blogpost, Dec 2022.

C Kelly, J Ipsen (2021).  'Church fraud: The keeper of the money bag', Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 78(6): 21-22.


C Kelly (2020).  'Enlarging internal audit results with action research methodology', EDPACS 61(5): 1-10.    

C Kelly (2019).  'Buyer beware: Mitigating supply chain risk', Risk (Institute of Risk Management), 1(winter): 20-23. 

A Piper, C Kelly, D Shoemaker, S Pratt, J Eaton (2019).  ‘The risks in supply chains’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 76(5): 40-45.  

C Kelly (2019).  ‘Experiential methods for identifying and reducing point of sale retail fraud’, EDPACS, 59(5): 1-8.

C Kelly, J Hao (2019).  ‘Beneath the data with self-service BI tools’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 76(1): 42-47.  

C Kelly (2017).  ‘The dollar value of error seeking audits’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 74(6): 54-59.  

C Kelly, F Deklepper (2016). ‘On the hunt for payroll fraud’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 73(2): 45-50.  

C Kelly, J Yang (2015).  ‘Improving the bottom line’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 72(1): 54-59.  

C Kelly, J Yang (2015). ‘ABA files: the Achilles heel of accounting systems’, Acuity (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia & New Zealand), 2(2): online version.

C Kelly, I Guymer (2013).  ‘Drive for effectiveness’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 70(6): 63-65.  

C Kelly, M Yuen, K Zang, G Myburgh (2013).  ‘Double trouble’, Audit & Risk (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2013(11): online version.  

C Kelly (2012).  ‘Prioritizing risks for the future: Monte Carlo simulation’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 70(5): 53-57.  

C Kelly, D Alexander (2011).  ‘Monte Carlo or bust’, Accountancy (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales), 2011(7): 70-71.  

C Kelly (2011).  ‘Benford’s law to the rescue’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 68(1): 25-27.  

C Kelly (2011).  ‘Playing risk roulette with Monte Carlo simulation’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2011(1): 38-41.  

C Kelly (2010).  ‘Payroll audit: Guarding the purse strings (in payroll)’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2010(9): 20-25.  

C Kelly (2009).  ‘Benford’s law: Crunching the numbers’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2009(9): 30-34.  

C Kelly (2008).  ‘Surviving the crunch’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2008(6): 30-33.  

C Kelly, J Yang (2008).  ‘Chinese puzzles: Chinese corporate governance’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2008(3): 20-21.  

C Kelly (2007).  ‘Sniffing out errors’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2007(12): 3-5.  

C Kelly (2006).  ‘Learning the lessons of failure: How internal auditors can help to keep IT projects on course’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2006(4): 32-35.  

C Nelms, C Kelly (2004).  ‘Seeing double’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2004(2): 36-39.  

C Kelly (2003).  ‘Nuts + bolts = value’, Internal Auditing (Institute of Internal Auditors), 2003(7): 26-28.  

C Kelly, C Nelms (2003).  ‘Roadmap to checking data migration’, Computers & Security, 22(6): 506-510.  

C Kelly (2001).  ‘Auditing the Titanic’, Charter (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia), 2001(10): 24-27.  

C Kelly (1991).  ‘Inadequate university control: an early example of identity theft’, Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors), 48(4): 75.  

Understanding supply chain fraud

Retail fraud detection methods

Using Power Query for data analytics

© 2007-2022 Kelly Partners LLP, © 2007-2022 Kelly & Yang Pty Ltd

Kelly & Yang Pty Ltd is regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission ACN 613 111 032

Kelly Partners LLP is regulated by UK Companies House OC333951

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